Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to Keep Your Flowers Fresh..!!!???

Flowers can give a certain psychological effect and create flamboyant atmosphere. For example, a wedding party can not be separated from the flowers. When we put it in home or office desk, the presence of flowers can be refreshment after the fatigue of the day in front of the computer. Of course, all these effects can occur if the flowers always fresh. Here are some ways to keep flowers always fresh:

1. Fill flower vase with water. Remember to always check amount of water in order to do not less. Fill the vase with water until full. For rose, you can be able to use lukewarm water.

2. If you use an oasis flower vase, make sure oasis guard always wet with water pouring.

3. cut the leaves in contact with water; because if it is left, the leaves will decay easily and will cause the bacteria. The result is a fading flower

4. Do not put your bouquet in a place exposed to direct sunlight or place that produces hot and dry, such as electronic goods. This can make flowers wilt and dry. Put the flowers in a cool place.

5. Do not put the flowers near to the fruit ripe. This is because the fruit ripe release ethylene gas and that will accelerate the growth of the flower.

6. Do not holds footstalk too often, especially squeeze or injure the stem by use the blunt scissors to cut the flower stalk. This can destroy the water absorb network so the water is obstructed. This can also create an interest "stress" so the flowers will fast fading.

7. Fresh flowers are also not treated as, but also started since the beginning of the purchase. You must remember the flowers should not be too long not given water. When we bought the flowers and if it need spend enough time on long trips, wrap base of the stem with a wet paper or wet foam.

(Source: Kompas, May 31, 2009)