Tools: Thread, nails, hammers, rubber hammers, & level.
Methods of Work:
(1) floor tiles that will be installed, must be cleaned first and then screed for make the flat surface. Thick of screed suggested is +20 mm, with fixed attention to the slope specified.
(2) If the base floor that will be installed ceramic is made of concrete, make sure that age concrete has reached at least 4 weeks, with the curing time is sufficient, so that the hydration process of concrete running well. This is to keep moisture the concrete surface that does not occur in the dry mortar.
(3) Before done the ceramics installation, clean the surface of screed first from the dust, dirt and oil, as this can reduce the mortar sticking power.
(5) Prepare the mortar, the mixture composition should be in accordance with the provisions of the product being used (if using instant mortar product). However, if you stir the sand, cement, composition of the mixture used for the installation of ceramic that is 1:3 (1 cement: 3 sand) for the wet area and 1:5 (1 cement: 5 sand) for the dry area. In mortar mixing is recommended for using a mortar mixer in order to stir homogeneous.
(6) Soak ceramics shortly before it. The aim is for the ceramic does not absorb water from the cement mortar and to remove dirt & dusts from tiles, so that bind power between ceramic and mortar becomes less. This can easily cause the ceramic will detach in next time. However, if the mortar used is a product of PM, ceramics does not be able soaked first.
(7) Lay the mortar each 1 m2 (with a serrated roskam if using instant mortar), to ensure the mortar does not dry quickly before ceramics placed. Thickness of mortar is recommended using 3-mm if using mortar instant. For large ceramic or marble, spread the tile adhesive (mortar) on the back of ceramic also before it.
(9) Place the second ceramic and so by giving the distance as nut ceramics. Distance standard is recommended in the range of 3 until 5 mm. To easier in installation, use nail no. 5 pairs on each side ceramics, as the nut.
(11) Put floor dilatation each 5m2 and on each floor dismissal. Dilatation width is ideally between 6 until 10mm.
(13) Close the dilatation slit by using Silicone sealant.
(14) Do not tread ceramics at least within 24 hours of installation time, because the ties of mortar have not been perfect (mortar has not been set), so that level can be changed if the ceramic treaded.
Basically, the ceramic floor and wall installation is not much different; only in the ceramic floor the concrete must be screed first in order to be flat, while on the ceramic wall installation, the wall must be plastered first. Age plaster is recommended that 7 days before the ceramic wall is installed.