Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Culinary in Benhil

For you who work in Benhil area, or who live in this area, it does not wrong if you try eating places as following:

Soto ayam Madura located on Jl. Benhil (Bendungan Hilir), Kelurahan Bendungan Hilir, Kec. Tanah Abang. Wisma benhil side exactly. Although is only cadger food, but it's nice, the price is cheap, only 5000/portion. It’s delicious for breakfast. If you want to try this, you should come in the morning (between 7:00 am until 10: 00am) because the soto is only sold in the morning. You must be a little patient if you eat here, because it is usually full...

Solo Pancake, you certainly do not foreign to this oeuvre. Besides delicious taste, the price is cheap. Just pay Rp.1500, you can get the Pancake. There are several of Solo Pancake sold, including: chocolate, cheese, bananas, jackfruit and original. If you are interested, just come to Benhil, the location is near Wisma Benhil. Or just telephone on 021-3314953 or 085692180692.

to be continued


Dilasari Hidayat said...

I like soto ayam very much. I would perhaps visit the place you recommended in Benhil some day. Thanks for the info and for visiting my blog (looking-for-hotels.blogspot). Teretes Raya Hotel is really a beautiful place.

Rsa said...

salam kenal..

blognya hampir sama dengan blog saya, isinya jalan jalan,

Anonymous said...

tks kunjungannya
salam kenal jalan jalaannnn yukk

Anonymous said...

tks kunjungannya
salam kenal n jalan jalan yuuuuul